Saturday, November 6, 2010


huhu..entry kali nie pasal feeling..Mari berjiwang..actually this year aku ada menaruh minat(cinta)gitu dekat somebody..i've tried everything to make him notice that 'hallo ! im here and im in love with you!"..but it turns to be on the other way...i dont know whether the timing is wrong or im not the right one..i pick that first choice..every week i try to send him messages...i ask him everything..something stupid.."ang watpa?","ang nak taw hot stori?" hell yess he did mcm ignore2 gitu...there was one time one of his fren called me "perigi cari timba la ang nie" what...if i want something i really want it..but the fact that i noe he is seeing someone else..i made my move..i step back..i mean i give up on him..I JUST HATE REALITY because it hurts so much more...feels like you know you are about so close but you lose him by one fact..only ONE fact..and when you already make your decision for forgetting him,he made something that he actually likes and wants you to know that "girl,we share the same feeling la"..

Macam hari tue,masa aku da memang xmo ingat da..He came to my BFF and ask about me and macam nak crita something...You know what.i HATE that something yang you keep from me..Just tell me larh...i hate being in confused..because im always confiuse about my feeling since Kamarul left me okay..i never being so sure about my feeling towards guy since him except you...but see what you do to me again...please larh..eventhough bnyk frens aku yang slalu crita mcm2 kat aku pasal ang,i always ignore them because thats the way you treat people and you dont really know actually how to treat people..just see what you did to me larh kan...

You play with my make me feel something when the real fact is there's nothing...ArRghh....
walaupun mcam tue...I dont hate you...


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